Our Partners
Since our inception, the Excellence Girls’ Club has been supported by a variety of key partnerships. These partnerships are individuals or organizations that have provided their time, services, space or funding to support our program.
Some of the partners that have helped us along the way to reach our goals are:
- Afropuffsandponytails
- Chesapeake Parks and Recreation
- City of Norfolk-Human Services
- DIA, Inc.
- Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach, Inc.
- Newport News Office on Family, Youth and Children
- Newport News Public Schools
- Norfolk Public Schools
- Portsmouth Public Schools
- R. Mark and Co
- Virginia Center for Public Safety
- YWCA of South Hampton Roads
Partner of Excellence
By establishing effective and lasting relationships with local organizations, businesses and city agencies, EGC has been able to continue its mission of enriching the lives of young women. Periodically we recognize our many contributing partners by selecting a Partner of Excellence. Our current Partner of Excellence is:
Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach (JLNVB)
Since selecting the Excellence Girls’ Club as their signature project in 2005, the JLNVB has made a lasting impression on our organization. During the 3 year partnership, the JL membership has donated over 1500 volunteer hours. The volunteer services have included (but are not limited to) supplying goody bags for the annual bonding retreat, weekly educational session presenters, board training, administrative services, participation in joint community service projects and developing a 7 session monthly Leadership Institute.
The financial support received enabled the EGC membership to participate in the annual bonding retreat for three years, food for weekly educational sessions, program materials such as t-shirts and books for the annual book discussion and Leadership Institute related expenses such as rent, food, transportation and materials.
Most recently as a part of their Legacy Project, the JLNVB has provided the financial support to update EGC’s website and paid maintenance fees for one year.